Open Exploration Becomes a Member of the STM Association
Feb. 10, 2021 4253

Open Exploration Publishing Inc. has become the member of International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) since February 3, 2021.


STM is the leading global trade association for academic and professional publishers. It has 145 members in 21 countries who each year collectively publish nearly 66% of all journal articles and tens of thousands of monographs and reference works. STM members include learned societies, university presses, both subscription and open access publishers, new starts and established players. STM members include learned societies, university presses, both subscription and open access publishers, new starts and established players. A complete list of STM member organizations, including Open Exploration, can be found here:

Open Exploration ( is a newborn open access publisher which was registered in New York in 2019 (business address is located in Xi’an, China). As an open access journal publisher, Open Exploration provides an open platform where professionals can share their explorations of specific subjects, and everyone can enjoy unrestricted access to the knowledge. The mission of Open Exploration is to facilitate scientific and technological advance by disseminating high-quality content rapidly, widely and freely. With the support of expert editors, authors and reviewers, Open Exploration produces trusted content, spreads significant works and facilitates open exchange of insight and information in scientific fields. Open Exploration will take this chance to get in touch with the latest guidance of STM, and work with STM as well as all members to advance research worldwide.
