With great honor, we announce that Prof. Alejandro Cifuentes and Prof. Elena Ibañez have been officially appointed as the Editors-in-Chief of Exploration of Foods and Foodomics (EFF), a three-year post that takes effect in August 2022.
Prof. Cifuentes is a Full Research Professor at the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) in Madrid, Head of the Laboratory of Foodomics and Director of the Metabolomics Platform (International Excellence Campus CSIC + UAM). He has been Founding Director of the Institute of Food Science Research from CSIC. His activity includes advanced analytical methods development for Foodomics (including transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics), food quality and safety, as well as isolation and characterization of natural bioactive compounds and their effect on human health. He has published more than 300 SCI papers (plus 30 books/book chapters and 9 patents) that have received more than 20000 citations. Alejandro has given more than 200 invited lectures in different meetings in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. He has defined for the first time in a SCI journal the new discipline of Foodomics. More information about Prof. Cifuentes can be found at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7464-0217.
“Exploration of Foods and Foodomics (EFF) is a new open access journal from Open Exploration publisher. The journal aims to provide, at this moment free of charge, an open forum for scholarly research on a range of topics. Sustainable food systems are needed in order to ensure food availability, food access, food utilization and food safety. Scientific rigor and evidence-based decision making should drive the actions towards achievements in this field. Based on these principles, and with a special emphasis in the use of modern omics approaches, this journal welcomes submissions that want to address any topic related to food science and technology, including foodomics. EFF will publish Original Articles, Reviews, Protocols, Commentaries, Perspectives, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor, and will also regularly publish special exploration issues to highlight advances at the cutting edge of research. I invite you to consider publishing your next paper with us and help us put EFF in a prominent place in the food and foodomics research domains.”
Alejandro Cifuentes
Co Editor-in-Chief of Exploration of Foods and Foodomics
Prof. Ibañez is a Full Research Professor at the Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL) belonging to the CSIC in Madrid, Spain. She received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the UAM, Spain and carried out her postdoctoral training at Brigham Young University, USA and at the University of California at Davis, USA. Her main activity includes the study and development of new green extraction processes based on the use of compressed fluids to isolate and analyze bioactive compounds from natural sources such as food and agricultural by-products, plants and algae. She has received different national and international awards, co-authored more than 285 publications, 35 book chapters and 10 patents. Awarded as one of the 50 top women in Analytical Chemistry (2016 Power List, the Analytical Scientist, October, 2016) and one of the 10 Top 10s in Analytical Chemistry in the category of Public Defenders (2017 Power List, the Analytical Scientist, October, 2017). More information about Prof. Ibañez can be found at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2127-8303.
“For me it is really exciting to start this new adventure as Editor-in-Chief of the new journal Exploration of Foods and Foodomics (EFF). This open access journal, edited by Open Exploration publisher, attempts to be a reference journal in the field of Foods and Foodomics. With this new journal we want to explore the best science devoted to sustainable food systems in this Era. Papers related to food availability, safety, authenticity, utilization, access, processing, technology, together with aspects more related to food and health interaction, novel foods, clinical nutrition, foodomics, are very welcome in this journal that will try to push towards a more sustainable world, with scientific rigor and excellence. With the open access we want to pave the way to less favoured countries that can benefit from global knowledge that can lead to improving life in our own places. Together with regular issues containing Original Articles, Reviews, Protocols, Commentaries, Perspectives, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor, we will publish special Exploration Issues devoted to hot topics. I hope you will also engage in EFF journal and help us to put it in front of the journals in this important area.”
Elena Ibañez
Co Editor-in-Chief of Exploration of Foods and Foodomics
Exploration of Foods and Foodomics (EFF) aims to publish papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas related to Food Science and Foodomics and will under the leadership of Prof. Alejandro Cifuentes and Prof. Elena Ibañez as well as with the full assistance from the editorial office at Open Exploration be dedicated to making the journal become an open and free platform that provides high quality research and comprehensive service to the scientific community.
Best wishes to Exploration of Foods and Foodomics and welcome to join us as readers, authors, reviewers and editors!
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