With immense honor and enthusiasm, we are thrilled to announce that our journal, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (ENT), has been accepted for Scopus on October 28, 2024! Next, ENT journal will be first listed separately in the Scopus Title list after acceptance, and then the content will gradually appear in Scopus searches as it takes some time for Scopus to prepare the data feed to receive content.
Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and includes titles from more than 7,000 publishers worldwide. It is widely recognized for its comprehensive coverage and stringent evaluation standards of high-quality academic journals across various research fields. Acceptance into this prestigious database entails a strict evaluation process by the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) of Scopus, an independent board of specialists. Every year, approximately 3,500 new titles are suggested for inclusion in Scopus, but only 33% of those titles meet the technical criteria of its independent review board. And of those roughly 1,200 titles, only 50% are accepted after CSAB review.
Following its inclusion in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) in 2022, Google Scholar in 2023, now ENT is once again recognized by the world's leading academic research database. It is not only a great recognition and encouragement for our journal's quality, but also a remarkable embodiment of ENT's rapid development in just three years since launched. This is a very important step in being acknowledged as a valuable academic publication.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all Editors, Board members, authors, reviewers, and everyone who has contributed to this achievement. Support from all involved has been valuable in realizing this milestone. We will also keep working hard and publish more high-quality content in the field of neurological research, further establishing ENT as a reputable and impactful publishing platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals in the field.
We warmly welcome you to stay tuned for our ENT journal and participate in the future development of ENT journal!
About the Journal
Launched in August 2021, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (eISSN 2769-6510) is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal with no APC currently. The journal publishes papers of high quality and significance in all areas related to Neurodegeneration/Neuroprotection/Neurorestoration, including authoritative assays on regulatory challenges. With the guidance of the Editor-in-Chief Professor Rafael Franco, it has achieved steady development and actively preparing itself to get involved in more important databases. To date, it has been accepted by Scopus and indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, CAS, etc.
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