Determinants of human longevity: input of environment, nutrition, physical activity, eustress, heredity, health care, motivation, and mental state
The paper aims to review the possibilities of a complex transdisciplinary approach to forming health and longevity. Determinants of productive longevity (DPL) and health culture are reviewed; defini
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The paper aims to review the possibilities of a complex transdisciplinary approach to forming health and longevity. Determinants of productive longevity (DPL) and health culture are reviewed; definitions of health, stress, and eustress, and their roles in active and productive longevity are given. DPL making a decisive contribution to the phenomenon of active longevity are stated and analyzed from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. They are as follows: 1) environmental factors including geographical location, “Blue zones”, and mountain areas, as well as level of the environmental pollution; 2) dietary regimen to support active longevity, including vegetarianism, calorie restriction, fasting, the role of vitamins, biological antioxidants, geroprotectors, and micronutrients; 3) importance of activity and eustress phenomenon, by other words, lifestyle: physical activity, sexual relationship, Qigong and Yoga practices, cognitive activity, sense of humor, and acceptance of age in activities of daily living and survival; 4) genetic and epigenetic particularities as a condition for long-living; 5) level of health care and early diagnostics to prevent age-associated diseases; 6) the role of the state of mind and meditation as well, how it is used for forming health due to Qigong and Yoga natural systems, in religion, and medical practice; 7) motivation for active longevity that significantly increases chances to productive longevity.
Renad I. Zhdanov ... Alexey S. Sozinov
Times Cited: 0
The paper aims to review the possibilities of a complex transdisciplinary approach to forming health and longevity. Determinants of productive longevity (DPL) and health culture are reviewed; definitions of health, stress, and eustress, and their roles in active and productive longevity are given. DPL making a decisive contribution to the phenomenon of active longevity are stated and analyzed from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. They are as follows: 1) environmental factors including geographical location, “Blue zones”, and mountain areas, as well as level of the environmental pollution; 2) dietary regimen to support active longevity, including vegetarianism, calorie restriction, fasting, the role of vitamins, biological antioxidants, geroprotectors, and micronutrients; 3) importance of activity and eustress phenomenon, by other words, lifestyle: physical activity, sexual relationship, Qigong and Yoga practices, cognitive activity, sense of humor, and acceptance of age in activities of daily living and survival; 4) genetic and epigenetic particularities as a condition for long-living; 5) level of health care and early diagnostics to prevent age-associated diseases; 6) the role of the state of mind and meditation as well, how it is used for forming health due to Qigong and Yoga natural systems, in religion, and medical practice; 7) motivation for active longevity that significantly increases chances to productive longevity.