Nicola Normanno, MD
Scientific Director, IRCCS Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori (IRST) "Dino Amadori", Meldola, Italy
Graham Packham, PhD
Professor of Molecular Oncology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Francesco Bertoni, MD
Interests: lymphoma; novel drugs; genomics; BET; PI3K
Head, Lymphoma Genomics, Deputy Director, Institute of Oncology Research, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, USI, Bellinzona, Switzerland
Giovanni Blandino, MD
Interests: tumor suppressors; non-coding RNA; Hippo pathway; PI3K inhibitors; HNSCC
Head of Oncogenomic and Epigenetic Unit, Translation Research Coordinator CTC IFO/IRE, Regina Elena Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
Salem Chouaib, PhD
Interests: cancer immunotherapy; Killer cells; tumor microenvironment; hypoxia; cancer immunology
INSERM UMR 1186, Integrative Tumour Immunology and Immunotherapy, Gustave Roussy, Fac. de Médecine - Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, 94805, Villejuif, France; Thumbay Research Institute for Precision Medicine, Gulf Medical University, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
Giuseppe Curigliano, MD, PhD
Interests: breast cancer; early drug development; precision oncology; biomarkers; NGS
Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, University of Milan; Head, Division of Early Drug Development, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Gennaro Daniele, MD, PhD
Interests: drug development; clinical trials; translational research; gynecologic malignancies; biomarkers
Scientific Director, Clinical Trials Center, Agostino Gemelli University Policlinic, Rome, Italy
Massimo Di Maio, MD
Interests: clinical trials; meta-analysis; patient-reported outcomes; methodology; quality of life
Director, Division of Medical Oncology, A.O. Ordine Mauriziano; Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology, University of Turin, Torino, Italy
Jianxun Ding, PhD
Interests: polymer chemistry; biomaterial; controlled drug delivery; immunotherapy; regenerative medicine
Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of Polymer Ecomaterials, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China
A. Ganesan, PhD
Interests: medicinal chemistry; chemical biology; organic synthesis; epigenetics; natural products
Professor in Chemical Biology, School of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Jesus Garcia-Foncillas, PhD, MD
Interests: colorectal cancer; biomarkers; gastrointestinal cancer; translational oncology
Full professsor of Oncology, School of Medicine and Director, Cancer Institute, University Hospital Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Oncohealth Institute, Autonomous University, Madrid, Spain
Alexandros Georgakilas, PhD
Interests: DNA damage and repair; radiation biology; biological consequences of radiations; biophysics; bioinformatics; systems biology; tumor suppressors
Head of DNA Damage Laboratory, Physics Department, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens 15780, Greece
Antonio Giordano, MD, PhD
Interests: genetics; molecular biology; pathology; oncology; environment
Present Professor, Department of Biology and Medicine; Present Director, Sbarro Health Research Organization; Present Director, Center of Biotechnology; Present Director, Professional Master Program (PSM) in Bioinnovation; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Present “Chiara Fama” Professor, Department of Medical Biotechnology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Chunsheng Kang, MD, PhD
Interests: nano-medicine; signaling pathways; exosome and endocytosis; gene editing; neuro-oncology
Deputy Director of Tianjin Neurology Institute, Director of Neuro-tumor Laboratory of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, Tianjin, China
Simon Langdon, MA, PhD
Interests: ovarian cancer; breast cancer; estrogen signaling; HER signaling; DNA repair
Reader, School of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Wanliang Lu, PhD
Interests: resistant cancer; cancer stem cells; gene regulation; nanomaterials; liposomes
Professor and Vice Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
Maurie Markman, MD
Interests: ovarian cancer; gynecologic malignancies; endometrial cancer, cervix cancer; targeted therapeutics
President, Cancer Treatment Centers of America Medicine & Science; Chief Clinical Officer, CTCA Health, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Erika Martinelli, MD, PhD
Interests: colorectal cancer; translational research; resistance to targeted therapies; gastrointestinal cancer
Associate Professor in Medical Oncology, Department of Precision Medicine, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Naples, Italy
Alessandro Morabito, MD
Interests: lung cancer; target based agents; angiogenesis inhibitors; immunotherapy; clinical trials
Director of Thoracic Medical Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori-IRCCS-Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples, Italy
Athanasios G. Papavassiliou, M.D, Ph.D
Interests: signal transduction to transcription factors in solid tumors; cancer mechanobiology
Professor of Biochemistry and Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Godefridus J. (Frits) Peters, Ph.D
Interests: cancer biomarkers; apoptosis; lung diseases; cell culture; gene expression; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics; pharmacogenetics of anticancer drugs; gastrointestinal cancers; translational research
Professor of Pharmacology of cytostatics, Laboratory Medical Oncology, Amsterdam UMC, location VUMC, CCA, Netherlands;
Professor at Department of Biochemistry, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Arun Seth, PhD
Interests: precision oncology; breast and prostate cancer biology; molecular diagnostics; genomic profiling; next-generation sequencing; targeted cancer therapy
Scientific Director of Molecular Diagnostics, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Academic Director, Genomics Core Facility, Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute; Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Gautam Sethi, PhD
Interests: signal transduction; apoptosis; transcription factors; metastasis; mouse models of cancer
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore City, Singapore
Gareth J. Thomas, PhD
Interests: tumour microenvironment; tumor immunology; head and neck cancer; pathology; fibroblasts
Professor of Experimental Pathology, Consultant in Histopathology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Luca Agnelli, PhD
Interests: lymphoid malignancies; bioinformatics and biostatistics in cancer; -omics analyses; NGS; non-coding RNA
Department of Oncology and Hemato-oncology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Matthias Baud, PhD
Interests: chemical biology; medicinal chemistry; small molecule; organic synthesis
Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Rossana Berardi, MD
Interests: thoracic cancer; breast cancer; neuroendocrine tumors; innovative therapies; COVID-19 and cancer
Professor in Medical Oncology and Director of the Postgraduate School of Medical Oncology at Università Politecnica Marche;
Director of Department of Medical Oncology, Director of “Genetic Cancer” Center and Breast Unit Coordinator at
Ospedali Riuniti of Ancona, Ancona, Italy
George A. Calin, MD, PhD
Interests: microRNA; non-codingRNA; cancer; therapy; biomarkers; genomics
Professor, Department of Translational Molecular Pathology, Division of Pathology/Lab Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US;
Co-Director, The RNA Interference and non-codingRNA Center, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US;
Co-Director, MD/PhD Program, The University of Texas, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, US
Laura Cerchia, PhD
Interests: aptamers; cell-SELEX; cancer theranostics; cell-surface receptors; tumor‐targeted drug delivery
Research Scientist, Group Leader, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology "G. Salvatore" (IEOS), National Research Council (CNR), Naples, Italy
Fortunato Ciardiello, MD, PhD
Interests: EGFR positive lung cancer; familial colorectal cancer; lung cancer; non-small cell lung cancer
Full Professor of Medical Oncology, Director of the Division of Medical Oncology, Dean of the School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy
Mark Cragg, PhD
Interests: antibody immunotherapy; apoptosis; Fc gamma receptors; TNF RECEPTORS; CD20
Professor of Experimental Cancer Research, Director of Cancer Pathway Integrated Postgraduate Programme, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Donatella Del Bufalo, PhD
Interests: melanoma; angiogenesis; bcl-2 family; tumor progression; target therapy
Senior investigator, Preclinical Models and New Therapeutic Agents Unit, Translational Research Functional
Departmental Area, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
Eyad Elkord, PhD
Interests: tumor immunology; cancer immunotherapy; immunosuppression; T regulatory cells; immune checkpoints; cancer epigenetics
Professor, Department of Applied Biology, College of Science, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; Honorary Professor, Biomedical Research Center, School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, UK
Pier Francesco Ferrucci, MD
Interests: melanoma and cutaneous tumors; immuno-oncology; immunotherapy; medical oncology; targeted therapy; precision oncology
Director of Melanoma Oncology Unit, Department of Medical Oncology, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy